Draft Minutes
Northeast Dairy Compact Commission
Fourth Annual Meeting
April 11, 2001 – Capitol Plaza Hotel, Montpelier, VT
Annual Meeting

I. Chairman Mae Schmidle convened the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Northeast Dairy Compact Commission at 10:20 am on April 11, 2000 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel.

Commissioner Schmidle welcomed everyone to the meeting.

II. Annual Report of the Chair:

Commissioner Schmidle presented her report as the Acting Chair for 2000.

III. Message From the Director:

Executive Director Dan Smith summarized his report and echoed Commissioner Schmidle’s statement that, the year was punctuated by two significant legal and regulatory events. Of most significant legal note, the New York State Dairy Foods Association lawsuit was concluded in court in the spring. Decided in the Commission’s favor, this key case established with legal certainty that the Commission has the authority to regulate uniformly all fluid milk marketed in New England. Following on the heels of this important legal milestone, in the summer, the Commission reached a regulatory milestone with the inauguration of its supply management program.

IV. Annual Report of the Secretary:

Commissioner Mary Kassler, Secretary in 2000, presented the Secretary’s Report

V. Annual Report of the Treasurer:

Commissioner Powell Cabot read briefly from his Treasurer’s Report.

VI. Committee Annual Reports

A. Bylaws Committee:

Commissioner Deborah Erb, as the 2000 Chair of the By-Laws Committee, read from a statement.

B. Regulations and Rulemaking Committee:

Commissioner Bobby Starr, as 2000 chair of the Regulations and Rulemaking Committee, said the Commission adopted regulatory changes recommended by the Committee to conform the Commission’s regulations to the statutory and regulatory changes in the Federal Milk Market Order. He also said regulations were amended to include the supply management program. He made reference to the ongoing discussion a price enhancement, and said the Committee would report back to the Commission on the issue over the course of the coming year.

C. Nominations Committee:

Commissioner Andy Dykstra, Chair of the Nominations Committee, reported on the activities of the committee in 2000.

Motion 4/11- AM1 by Peter Petrone/Second by Ron Newman

Moved to adopt Annual Reports of the Acting Chair, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Committees on Regulations, Bylaws and Nominations.


D. Audit Committee:

Commissioner Neil Marcus, Chair of the Audit Committee, reported that the audit report had been completed in record time, and the committee recommended its adoption. Marcus said the auditors noted a few issues, which he said were of housekeeping nature and not a cause for alarm.

Mr. Smith echoed Commissioner Marcus’ statement and said the report had been prepared promptly to provide adequate time for Congressional review.

Commissioner Marcus said the Audit Committee recommends that the Finance Committee consider the suggestion of the auditors to allow the Executive Director to sign for larger checks. Marcus said that he felt the audit issued a clean bill of health. He said the Committee subscribed to the report.

Motion 4/11-2 by Neil Marcus on the behalf of the Audit Committee

Moved to adopt the Annual Audit for the year 2000 and the recommendations of the Audit Committee


The annual meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Douglas Morris