Wednesday, January 5, 1999--The Centennial Inn--Armenia White Room--96 Pleasant Street

Concord, New Hampshire--10:00 a.m.

  1. Public Participation
  2. Introduction of Guests
  3. Consideration and Approval of Minutes of the December 1, 1999 meeting
  4. Consideration of Communications
  5. Financial and Budget Report: Months ending October and November 1999
  6. Reports:
    1. Chair's Report
    2. Executive Director's Report
    3. 1. New York State Dairy Foods Decision

    4. Committee on Finance Report
    5. Committee on Administration
    6. Audit Committee
    7. Bylaws Committee
    8. Committee on Regulations & Rulemaking
  1. Old Business
    1. Deliberative Meeting, continued from December 1, 1999 Meeting, to consider whether to implement an assessment/refund supply management program.
  1. New Business
    1. Committee on Finance Recommendations

1. Year 2000 Budget

  1. B. Committee on Administration Recommendations
  2. C. Standing Committees for 2000
  3. D. Fiscal Authority Resolution
  4. E. Committee on Regulations and Rulemaking Recommendations
  5. F. Next Meeting Date
  1. Announcements: Opportunity for individual state comments
  2. Executive Session, if necessary
  3. Adjournment

A second opportunity for public participation will occur immediately after a break for lunch. Members of the Public will need to make their own accommodations for lunch. The UVM presentation is scheduled to take place after public participation following lunch and as close to 1:00 p.m. as possible.



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