Producer Payment Per Farm

Attachment 1b identifies an annual average of about 4200 farms in New England and New York supplying the New England market. Consistently for the period, nearly one third of the farms receiving over-order producer payments were located in New York.  The pooling and payments to these farms reflects the historic circumstance of New York farms being an integral part of the milkshed for the New England market.  (The attachments do not make any distinction in providing data on New York pooled farms, reflecting their uniform treatment with New England farms under the price regulation.) 

On average, pooled farms, The average pooled farm received total annual payments ranging from a low of $3,900 in 1998 (when the underlying federal market order price was higher) to a high of $14,600 in 2000 (when the federal market order price was lower); the average annual payment was $8,289 between July 1997 and the end of 2000. (Attachment 1b)

Without application of the over-order producer price, the stand-alone, federal minimum producer price would have varied from a low of $11.46 per hundred pounds to a high of $17.29--a range of $5.73. With the price regulation in place, the minimum producer price varied from a low of $12.75 to the same high -- a range of $4.54.  (Attachments 1c and 1d).