B. Issue: Prevailing Farm Prices Inside and Outside the New England

    Compact Section 9(e) provides specifically for consideration of
this issue. Mailbox price statistics allow for a determination of
present comparison of milk prices in adjacent markets. The following
chart submitted as part of a written comment describes these
comparative prices.\72\

    \72\ Wellington et al, 3/31/97 AC appendix.

[[Page 23043]]

                                                                      Mailbox Milk Prices for Selected Federal Milk Orders                                                                     
                                                                                   [Dollars per hundredweight]                                                                                 
                                                                 Jan        Feb        Mar        Apr        May        Jun        Jul        Aug        Sep        Oct        Nov        Dec  
New England.................................................     $11.83     $11.86     $11.98     $11.93     $11.92     $11.39     $11.35     $11.71     $11.88     $12.42     $13.14        $13
NY/NJ.......................................................      12.00      12.02      12.14      11.88      11.82      11.45      11.39      11.74      12.01      12.61      13.17         13
Middle Atlantic.............................................      12.15      12.07      12.06      11.83      11.86      11.50      11.60      12.14      12.26      12.82      13.50         13
New England.................................................      13.38      13.23      13.14      13.08      13.49      14.08      14.77      15.00      15.55      15.83      15.37         14
NY/NJ.......................................................      13.44      13.29      13.18      13.16      13.70      14.10      14.82      15.05      15.68      15.68      14.82         13
Middle Atlantic.............................................      13.57      13.27      12.86      12.76      13.41      14.40      15.07      15.49      16.05      15.84      15.55         14
Source: Exhibit Co-op #1C & #1D, Additional Comment as submitted by Robert Wellington, on behalf of Agri-Mark Dairy Co-op, St. Albans Co-op Creamery, & Independent Dairymen's Co-op.          

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    From this chart, it can be seen that 1995 mailbox prices for the
New England market were consistently less than those for the New York-
New Jersey and Middle Atlantic markets, but by relatively small
amounts. This data further indicates that prices throughout the three-
market area are presently in relative alignment.